form·Z Viewer

Present and Share Everywhere

Collaborate and review with colleagues and clients on Windows, macOS, iPhone or iPad.

Use the clean, minimal UI to guide stakeholders through your project in 3D, or send projects for your clients to review on their own.

form•Z Viewer is free to download and use.

Use Viewer to guide stakeholders through your project in real-time using the intuitive walkthrough and orbit gestures. Recall previously stored Scenes to present design alternatives or show construction phases. The minimal, focused UI keeps everyone’s attention where it belongs: on the project.

You can also send files for clients to experience and on their own. Walkthrough mode is easy for anyone to pick up and use without training.


Open project files created in all recent versions of form•Z

Intuitive walkthrough and orbit navigation

Rich display with shadows and ambient occlusion

Interactive Sections (Clipping Planes)

Recall Scenes

Recall and create Views

Enable individual Layers and Lights

Measure dimensions


form·Z Viewer for iOS


form·Z Viewer for macOS


form·Z Viewer for Windows